
Produced by
Itaka Art Centre Inđija and the Šabac City Theatre, Serbia
Sponsored by the City of Novi Sad
Word of the director

I find a couple of Shakespeare’s final plays (Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale, Pericles and The Tempest) to be quite special, indeed. As if there is no real truth in them, they are more of fantastical tales brimming with extraordinary events, full of twists and surprises, but also many inconsistencies when it comes to action. There is much there which is temporally and spatially imaginary and resembles a “fairy tale”.

Providing that in recent years, I have been living in a “fairy-tale-like” and pretty much unreal reality, where anything can happen, these final plays by Shakespeare have suddenly become my favourite. It is this very “incredibility of events” that I find particularly charming. Pericles is among the least staged Shakespeare’s plays, and this will be its first production in Serbian theatres.

Nikita Milivojević
  • Nikita MilivojevićAdaptacija, režija i scenografija
  • Jelena StokućaKostimografija
  • Kosta PavlovićMuzika
  • Vladimir MilojevićAsistent reditelja


  • Aneta Tomašević
  • Sonja Milojević
  • Zoran Karajić
  • Ervin Hadžimurtezić
  • Dejan Šarković
  • Vladimir Milojević