Slađana Pajčić

SLAĐANA PAJČIĆ (Šabac, 1961) is a member of the Šabac City Theatre resident ensemble. She performed in theatres in Zaječar and Leskovac, while she has worked in the Šabac City Theatre since 1980. She played major roles in the productions such as: “Good Night, Joja”; “Lulu”; “Death of a Salesman”; “The Girl with Cobalt Hair” “The Miracle in Sargan”; “The Building of Skadar”; “La Veniexiana”; “Drums in the Night”; “The Good Soldier Švejk’s Postmodern Cabaret”; “Rabelais/Virtue/Sin”, “Life is a Dream” and others. She collaborated with the Centre for the Art of Movement “Perpetum Dance”; she is a member of citizens’ associations “Rascals (Čivijaši)” and “Colourful Carrot (Šarena šargarepica)” and authored a number of plays for children. Apart from acting, she also sings and makes music. She celebrated thirty five years of her artistic work in 2019, performing her monodrama “Stanija Tasić”.